What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation can increase breast fullness and create a more attractive figure. The procedure can involve either the placement of breast implants or fat harvested and transferred from another body area. While a breast augmentation will make the breasts larger or fuller, the procedure will not correct sagging and drooping.

A breast lift (mastopexy) can be performed in conjunction with breast augmentation in Long Island to give you the full, rounded, lifted breasts that appear natural and youthful. To determine if a breast lift is necessary, consult with Long Island breast surgeon, Dr. Tanna.

However, you can also determine if you need a breast lift yourself. Standing in front of a mirror, observe the relationship between your nipples and the natural crease underneath your breast. If your nipples fall below the crease, having a breast augmentation without a breast lift will make your breasts more saggy.

Breast Augmentation Patient Testimonial - Dr. Neil Tanna

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Breast Augmentation: A More Appealing Figure

Many women feel unhappy about some aspect of their breasts, whether too small, uneven in size, or the breast tissue appears flat and deflated after a dramatic weight loss or breastfeeding. Our Long Island breast augmentation can restore the youthful, firm appearance to the breasts, with the added result of increasing self-confidence and quality of life.

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Planning for Breast Augmentation Surgery

  • The first step in planning for breast augmentation is organizing sufficient time away from work or other responsibilities to allow for recovery time. Plan to take one week off from work so you can rest, relax, and heal.
  • Have a friend or family member stay with you to help you during the first day of surgery, and who can transport you to your home after the procedure.

6 People Share Their First Impressions of Breast Implants

Medical Professionals Having a Discussion at a Table

After Breast Augmentation Surgery

To perform this procedure, the patient is put under anesthesia. When you are awakened by our nurse, you will feel groggy and will rest in the recovery area until you are fully awake. You will be wearing bandages and a surgical bra to hold your new breasts in place while they heal. It is normal to experience some pain, tenderness, and discomfort in the treated area, and you will have prescription pain medication to help make the early stages of recovery more comfortable. Swelling and bruising is common, but as the body heals, these symptoms fade.

After surgery, you will need to sleep on your back, rather than on your side or stomach. You will be restricted in activity, and may not run, jump, or engage in any vigorous activity that could stretch or compromise your result. No lifting, stretching, or bending. Full aftercare instructions will be provided to you, and our staff will guide you through the entire healing process. You will have several scheduled follow-up appointments so we can monitor your progress.

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Four Important Breast Augmentation Decisions

Decision 1: Implant Type

Implant Fill: Saline vs. Silicone

There are two basic types of breast implants: saline and silicone. In both implants, the outer shells are composed of silicone, but they differ in the substance that is used to fill the implant. Saline implants are filled with saline, a saltwater solution that is found in IV fluids. During your Long Island breast augmentation surgery, the saline implants come deflated. They are then filled to the desired volume. Silicone implants come pre-filled with silicone gel. The implants are then placed into the soft pocket of the breast envelope during surgery.

Over recent years, silicone implants have now become the most popular type of implants selected by patients due to its more natural feel compared to saline implants. The FDA has approved saline implants for patients who are 18 years of age or older.

The FDA has approved the use of silicone implants for patients over the age of 22 as research studies have shown that breast development may not be complete until age 22. Our breast implants in Long Island come in a variety of shapes and sizes that vary in project and base width.

Implant Shape: Round vs. Anatomic

Round implants are the most commonly used implants in breast augmentation. Since the implant is symmetric, the orientation, when placed, is not problematic. In addition, they look very natural in the upright and lying positions. Anatomic implants are asymmetric and resemble a teardrop. This results in a greater projection towards the bottom of the implant. These implants provide shape to breasts if there is not any, but the rotation of the implants can cause problems.

Implant Surface: Smooth vs. Textured

There are two options when choosing the type of outer silicone rubber shell that surrounds the silicone gel or saline. Smooth implants consist of an outer shell that is smooth. Alternatively, textured implants have an outer shell that has a rough, irregular surface.

Allergan Breast Implant Recall

Allergan has voluntarily recalled their BIOCELL macro-textured implants and tissue expanders. If you have received these implants and are experiencing symptoms such as swelling or pain, contact Dr. Tanna today to discuss your concerns and determine if your implants need to be removed.

More Information On Allergan Breast Implant Recall


Decision 2: Implant Size

Biodimensional Planning

Dimensional planning is a technique used to select breast implants in Long Island based on tissue characteristics and breast measurements for an individual patient. This approach helps the patient and breast augmentation surgeon select ranges of breast implant sizes that takes into account the natural breast tissue and skin envelope. By better understanding the limitations of the breast tissue for each individual patient, the implant sizes selected will fit the patient’s individual goal and produce better long-term results. During your pre-operative consultation, your breast augmentation surgeon will discuss your breast augmentation goals.

During this time, the dimensions of your existing breasts will be measured, examined, and assessed to determine what implant sizes will produce the best aesthetic results. The base-width of the breast is the diameter of your breast. When selecting an implant, it is critical to ensure that the base-width is preserved so that your breasts remain proportional to the rest of your body. It is also imperative to understand the limitation to the projection of your newly augmented breasts. An implant size must be selected so it does not exceed the capacity of your skin envelope.


After your consultation and initial discussion about implants you will be able to try on silicone implant sizers. During this time, you will try these sizers on with clothes to visualize what your final result will look like before you have your surgery. This demonstration will show you how cup size may not be the best way to decide on your new breast implants. These decisions all help create the best breast augmentation results possible.

Vectra & Crisalix 3D Imaging

Vectra & Crisalix are 3D plastic surgery imaging platforms that use virtual reality software to provide simulations for breast augmentations. This system works by using a 3D scanner to take images of your breasts. Your images are then uploaded onto the program and 3D simulation of your breasts can be modified to achieve your desired results. For example, you can alter the diameter, projection, and size of your breasts with an implant to show what your breasts would look like after surgery.

You would then be able to compare your before and after pictures in order to see what new changes are going to be made onto your body. After you have selected your desired implant, the next step is to “try on” your newly simulated breasts. By using virtual reality goggles, you will be able to see your simulated breasts as if you already had the surgery. This feature allows you to see your breasts through different views as if you were standing in front of mirror.

One of the most groundbreaking features about this program is if you were to look directly down at your chest, you would be able to see your newly simulated breasts as if they were there. Many patients have responded well to using the Vectra & Crisalix system. Patient satisfaction has been very high with the simulations; with many patients stating that the simulations helped them select the right implant size with ease.

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Decisioin 3: Placement of Implant

The placement of the implant is an important consideration as you move forward with your breast augmentation. The submuscular plane involves placing the implant beneath the pectoralis major muscle. The subglandular plane involves placing the implant on top of the muscle and beneath the breast (glandular) tissue.

Submuscular (Under the Muscle)

Advantages of Submuscular Placement:

  • Implant is less noticeable and more natural looking.
  • It is harder to feel the implant and feels more natural.
  • Rippling of implants is less noticeable
  • It is easier to view breast tissue when having breast imaging with mammography.

Disadvantages of Submuscular Placement:

  • May be initially uncomfortable.
  • Recovery may be longer.
  • Animation distortion occurs when chest muscles are flexed.
Diagram of dual plane subpectoral breast augmentation

Subglandular (Under the Muscle)

Advantages of Subglandular Placement:

  • Can sometimes better correct loose breast skin
  • Shorter and less painful recovery.
  • No animation distortion when chest muscles are flexed.

Disadvantages of Subglandular Placement:

  • Implants may be more visible or palpable.
  • Greater chance of rippling.
  • It may be more difficult to view the breast tissue during mammography imaging.
Diagram of subglandular breast augmentation

Comparison of natural breast with subglandular and dual plane pectoral breast augmentations

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Decision 4: Incision

The Inframammary Incision

The inframammary incision is made underneath the breast in the natural crease where the breast meets the chest wall. This incision is highly recommended by plastic surgeons because it provides the best visualization and access to the breast pocket. Once this incision is made, the saline or silicone implant can be inserted. In addition, scarring of the incision site is very difficult to see as it is hidden in the natural crease.


  • Direct visibility of breast pocket for implant positioning.
  • Great approach for silicone implants and secondary surgeries.
  • Deep breast fold results in well-hidden scar.


  • Scar on breast.
  • If breasts are small and tight, the scar might be more noticeable.

The Peri-Areolar Incision

The peri-areolar incision is made at the edge of the areola. Not all women are candidates for this incision. For example, if the diameter of the areola is too small or if a larger implant is used, this incision will not be successful.


  • Scar can be hidden very well by areola.


  • Can affect nipple and areola sensitivity.
  • Can expose implant to breast tissue and bacteria, increasing risk of capsular contracture.
  • Can negatively affect breastfeeding.


Breast augmentation surgery is one of the more popular plastic surgery options because of the quick recovery time. The total time for the procedure is relatively quick and it is an outpatient procedure, which means you can go home the same day without staying overnight in the hospital. Breast augmentation involves general anesthesia, which means you will be put to sleep during the surgery.

Your recovery time may be impacted depending on whether you choose to have your implants placed under (submuscular) or over (subglandular) the muscle. This may vary by a day or so. Most women can return to normal activities within 7-10 days and can return to work within one week. However, it is still important to limit your physical activity. It is recommended not to lift anything heavy for the first week after surgery. 

Why Choose Dr. Tanna?

Each patient is unique in what they hope to achieve. Dr. Tanna is focused on providing a personalized, positive patient experience and in producing the most aesthetically pleasing result. At our New York Plastic Surgery office, we offer a full range of breast implant options, including the most advanced silicone, saline, and anatomically shaped cohesive gel breast implants (gummy bear implants). Each patient is unique, and the surgery may involve different options for incision location and how the implant is placed.

Dr. Tanna offers an advanced surgical approach to cosmetic breast surgery. Having worked with some of the most acclaimed aesthetic surgeons in the world, Dr. Tanna has evolved his own surgical techniques, and is a recognized leader in the field of plastic surgery. He is listed in Castle Connelly Best Doctors, has a five-star rating on Healthgrades, and is listed in New York Times Super Doctors and Newsday Top Doctors.

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Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

Many women who want a less dramatic increase in volume can achieve beautiful results with a more natural procedure – fat transfer. This procedure involves harvesting fat from another area of the body, after which it is purified, and injected into the breasts to supplement volume. This procedure has the advantage of using your own natural body fat – easily accepted by your body.

A less invasive treatment, fat transfer moves unwanted fat from another area of the body, such as buttocks, thighs or abdomen, which provides an added slimming benefit. If you are interested in this modern breast augmentation procedure, we urge you to schedule a consultation. Fat transfer does not involve large incisions, and has a shorter recovery time than breast augmentation with implants.

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